The 65k Marathon
A brief overview of the 65k course
The WUU2K course starts at Woodmancote road, Khandallah, and traverses the ridges of Wellington to finish at the iconic Mt Vic, just short of the lookout.
The race begins up Mt Kaukau which is a hard slog up before traversing along the tops of Skyline ridge to make your way up to the next point of Makara Peak. Runners head through the mountain bike trails until the exit at the carpark, to follow the road around to begin Salvation track, a meandering climb up to Wrights Hill lookout.
Once here runners follow the Sanctuary fence line all of the way until they jump the turnstyle at the Wind Turbine. From here they follow carparts to Barking Emu trail until they pass through the Tip Track, 45km runners head down the Tip Track here, 65km runners follow Red Rocks trail down to the South Coast. Here they run to Owhiro Bay, up Happy Valley road where they do an out-and-back of the Tip track, joining 45k runners as they head to Tawatawa reserve.
Runners head through Tawatawa, to Berhanpore golf course and onto Mt Albert for a steep climb before hitting the Southern trails. Almost home as we head towards Mt Vic with some beautiful trails until the finish just below the Mt Vic Lookout. Bliss.
ESTIMATED AVERAGE FINISH TIME 45km: 6 - 7 hours/1.30-2.30pm (Starts 7.30am)
ESTIMATED AVERAGE FINISH TIME 65km: 8 - 9 hours/2.30-3.30pm (Starts 6.30am)